Friday, March 17, 2006

Those Were The Days...

I'm in a very nostalgic mood today. I was remembering my sixth form college years. This was prompted by the fact that I can't remember the name of the pub that I used to go to every Thursday back then. The pub that sold Orange and Mango Reef for a pound a bottle and my friends and I would always pool our money and buy a crate of the stuff to get drunk on. It tasted like crap, seriously, I can't even stand alcopops now, but then? I would just chug it down really fast just to get drunk as cheaply as possible. We had some good times then. Like that time that I was so drunk that I got us all thrown out of the pub and then I fell down a hill and couldn't remember why my nose hurt so much at work the next day. Or that time I got practically bitten to death by bugs on that hill by Harrow-on-the-hill station. Or that other time I did cartwheels outside Kebabland and almost lost a shoe...good times, good times. Speaking of Kebabland the guys that worked there would give you free chips if you showed the tiniest bit of cleavage, and I'm not above using my god given DD cups for free stuff. I mean why not? I don't mind being ogled as long as get something for it. Now I sound like a stripper. I guess I should turn in my feminism membership card.
I sort of miss those days a bit. I hardly see my friends from back then, its sad when everybody goes their seperate ways after school. I suppose thats why reunions are such good ideas, that way you could catch up with all the people you lost contact with. Although only for Sixth form not high school, I hated high school. I only still talk to one person from my high school days. I pretty much despised everyone in my class.
I'm really having trouble remembering the name of that pub...I think it began with P,or was it F and it was something industrial sounding... oh damnit.
What I'm Listening To: Have It All by Jeremy Kay


Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless!

3:46 PM  

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