Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Movie Sequels Suck

Especially if the original movie also sucks. Whose idea was Big Momma's House II? Were the box office takings so huge for the first one that a second just had to be made. I mean really, I haven't seen the whole of the first movie but what I did see was complete crap. Plus the trailers for numero II look even worse. Oh look Martin Lawrence is waddling around in an old lady fat suit ogling women hi-larious. It may be possible that the studio just had the thing lying around and decided to release it in the January dumping ground reserved for shelved movies and Oscar baiting sobfests. Still no one asked for it and if anyone did...well, I'm just going to shake my head slowly and tut.
What I'm Listrning To: Demon Days by Gorillaz

Monday, January 30, 2006

Baby Me

I spent some time recently putting some of my baby pictures onto my computer. I haven't done them all yet but the ones I have done I thought I would share, because its fun looking at baby pictures, because babies are cute. Especially if they are me.

Me, newborn

_____________ Me, not so newborn

Already dressing a little odd. Signs for the future.

I am so addicted to custard creams right now, I've gone through about three packs in two days. Its freaky. I just keep buying them and wolfing them down. If I'm not careful I'll turn into a custard cream.




What I'm Listening To: Dream On by Aerosmith (on a continuous loop a 1.20am, bet my neighbours love me)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

And After Five Hours Her Head Exploded

I spent almost five hours playing this stupid game last night. FIVE HOURS. My sister came by to visit and after she left instead of going to bed because I had an early lecture I discovered Qwyzzle. I hate it, but I can’t stop playing. I got to level 40 before my brain threatened to explode. Plus I only cheated about 3 times so I’m pretty proud of myself. I’m usually a big fat cheater when it comes to these internet game thingies. Problem is I can play this one at work….uh oh. Must. Not. Play. Games. At. Work.

What I’m Listening To: Beautiful, beautiful silence

Sunday, January 22, 2006

I Can Literally Feel My Brain Cells Dying

I haven't bought a book in a while. That's not strange you may think. It is for me. You see I'm one of those people who always has a book in her bag. Always. I read on the train, on the bus, at work, at home. If I don't have a book to read I feel wrong. When I was a kid I used to walk down the street reading. I must have looked so weird. I was a weird kid. With my big multi coloured glasses and my over sized knitted jumpers. Anyway, so I finished my last essay and I wanted something to do, I glanced over at my bookshelf, lo and behold I've read all those books already, in fact the last new book I read was 'Neverwhere' by Neil Gaiman. I read that over Christmas. I've been so busy reading books about poetry and feminism and feminist poetry that I've forgotten about getting something to read for afterwards. This is the first time I ever remember not having something to read. I'm worried. Reading was my thing. My mother used to brag about my reading habits. Now all I do is watch TV. That's not good. That's downright worrying. Television is destroying my brain.

What I'm Listening To: Well still at work so 'ambience' namely Righteous Brothers.

Psst...I'm At Work

I'm at work. I'm bored. We're not really supposed to use the internet for personal purposes, actually I'm not supposed to use the computer for anything much at all really, but I spend most of my day sitting in front of the thing. I'm really expected to not be tempted. Well I give in, I don't care, they can't catch me Mwa hahaha. I woke up late this morning. When I say woke up late I mean I woke up on time, switched the alarm off and went back to sleep. So I had to rush, it was only when I was ambling down the street (because I never walk, I amble)and I saw the duty manager power cycle past me that I stopped panicking. Although panicking may be too strong a word for what I was feeling in that moment. I think vague distress...no, mild concern, yes that’s it. So I stopped being mildly concerned and the apathy came back. I think thats due to my brain having fried from all the essays I've spent that last few weeks writing. I can't seem to really care about much. My synapses have switched off. It was either the essay thing or the four daiquiri’s I had Friday night...nope, definitely the essay thing.

What I'm listening to: Rubbish 'ambience' music, like Seal.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Someone Else's Cat

There is a grey tabby cat currently sitting in my garden. It is unabashedly staring at me the thing is, while this cat is suspiciously eyeballing me, I’m smiling because I’ve missed this cat. When I moved into this house almost a year ago, the first thing I noticed was that several of the neighbours’ cats had set up shop in my back garden-three to be exact. They weren’t mine so whenever I saw them I would shoo them away. Just banging on the door would usually do the trick. After I’d done this a couple of times I noticed that all the cats would run away save the grey tabby. This cat would run to the end of the garden with the others, then stop and look at me. I had to open the door and step out in order to get this particular cat to run away. After a while, I couldn’t be bothered to scare it away and it became a regular presence. The cat would sleep in my garden and during the summer I would sit out there while the cat (I’m not sure if it’s a he or a she. I’m gonna go with she, just because) would sleep nearby, we formed a strange companionship this cat and I. I would watch TV and she would sit by the back door and watch me watch TV. Recently however I haven’t seen her probably because its been raining a lot and I heard somewhere that cats don’t like rain. So when I plodded into my room today Frosties in hand and looked up to see the grey tabby watching me, I smiled because although her constant presence irked me at first, I have missed her and her belligerent stare. I also sneakily managed to take a picture. I say sneakily even though she was staring right at me. Hi tabby come back soon.

What I’m Listening to: X&Y by Coldplay

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

You Can have A Housefull Or A Holefull But You Can Never Catch A Bowlfull

My house smells like burning pizza. Because I am stupid. I ordered Dominoes yesterday and I had one peice of pizza left over. I was feeling peckish so I decided to pop it in the oven. Then I promptly turned on my TV and forgot all about it. It was only when I sniffed the air and smelt something odd that it all came crashing back (two hours later). I ran out of my bedroom and (ill advisedly) flung open the oven door, only to be engulfed by plumes of foul smelling smoke. I opened a window and even turned on the extractor fan but the place still smelled foul. I tried spraying air freshener but that only made me choke. I'm really hoping my housemates don't come home any time soon as I'm going to have to explain why their house is full of smoke. Hopefully I'll pass out from the fumes and they'll be far to busy worrying about my unconciousness, that they won't have time to be pissed off. Actually no...I don't want to pass out from smoke inhalation, I take it back. I think that maybe I can handle two girls glaring at me while they try and shake the smell out of their clothing. On the relatively positive side this whole experience has brought up something rather alarming. What the hell happened to our smoke detector? It appears to have left home. The upside is now we know and we can buy a new one, and the next time this happens well, I'll know before it gets out of hand.
What I'm Listening To: Traffic, because my window is wide open and you can hear the cars go by.

Riding The Train With My Sister

I went and saw 'Brokeback Mountain' with my sister Aylia the other day. It was really great to hang out with her. We pretty much hated each other when we lived under the same roof but recently since we've both been away at University and the like, we've become much better friends than we ever were during the 'terrible teen' years (hers not mine). Anyway I've wanted to see the film ever since I read Annie Proulx's short story a year ago and nobody I mean nobody wanted to see it with me. Then one day I was talking about movies I wanted to see with my sis and turns out she wanted to see it too. So we went. I didn't hate it, in fact I quite liked it. But it hasn't been able to nudge its way into my favourite films list. A list which includes movies like 'Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle'. Which I think says a lot for my taste in movies.
After the cinema trip. I intended to go home since I had all those lousy essays to do (they are still haunting me). However Aylia suggested that I go back to Twickenham with her since some of Uni friends wanted to meet me. So I went (putting off the very important coursework). It was highly amusing her friends are very funny and much more agreeable than mine are. I think I may have to admit that my little sister is slightly cooler than I am. For when it came for me to go home (which is the other side of London by the way). They felt the need to accompany me half the way there (awwww). A trip during which the strangest thing happened. We were on the train, now thats about seven people four guys and three girls. When we hear some shouting and a boy runs onto the train pursued by two other boys. One of which is threatening to beat the shit out of the first boy. By this time our whole group tensed. Then the first boy proceeded to run over to us and beg for us to help him. For a while people sat in silence not entirely sure what to do. Then one of my sisters friends quietly suggested that the two aggressive boys not beat up the begging one in his presence, which was my sisters cue to tell them all to leave the boy alone. Which they did, when it looked like we weren't going to stand for letting someone get their ass kicked while we were sitting there. It brought up an interesting situation because this sort of thing happens all the time and I remember we studied something similiar when I took psychology (a long time ago). About a woman getting murdered and nobody helping her even though they were all within helping distance. Out of seven people in our group only two people thought to speak up and defend the boy, while the rest looked intently at their shoes and pretended they weren't there. I know my reasons for not saying anything because I've gotten into trouble before interfering in other peoples arguments, and I didn't much feel like getting stabbed or anything. But it was a very interesting thing to happen so randomly like that, it was like a whole psychological experiment being played out right in front of me. I only wished I'd had a camera. But then again I'm not going to bring a camera out in the open on a London train. Thats just asking to get mugged.
'The optimist believes that we live in the best possible world, the pessimist fears this is true'
What I'm Listening To: A Jazz Compilation CD

Monday, January 16, 2006


I hate essay's. I hate thinking about them, I hate writing them. Hate hate hate hate with added hate cream and hate cherries on top. Give me an exam any day. I used to stress about exams, I used to complain about them and go on about how much I hadn't revised. But you know what I've realised? Exams are much much better than essays. I think I'm pretty good at exams, I work pretty well under pressure. With exams you can get away with being vague and still get a good mark as long as you've touched on all the relevant points, you're fine. Plus exams only last a couple of hours max. But essays? I have spent weeks WEEKS deliberating over these stupid essay's and have yet to write a single coherent word. You know why? because I really don't want to do it. With exams even though you really don't want to do it, you kind of have to since your stuck in a room with paper and questions and there's pretty much nothing else you can do, plus everyone around you is scribbling away and you feel that you must also. So you do, lo and behold you've written something down. With essays now.You don't want to do it? You just don't, you make a sandwich you watch a film, you phone somebody anybody, you pretty much do anything but the essay because there's no one around telling you that you have to and there are sooo many other things around to distract you. Or maybe I just do that. Because I hate essays. RARRGH!! Hey if I fail will anybody give me a place to stay...maybe a job?..hello? helloooo.....

WHat I'm Listening To: Nothing becase I have to concentrate.RARRGH!!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Happy Winter Solstice and A Very Happy New Year to All!

Thus it is the new year and with it rain and cold weather and the beginnings of a miserable cold. Just another New Year for England then. Much festivities were had. My birthday being one which was BRILLIANT. I got nice and wasted at my not so much a surprise birthday party. Apparently there was one point where I was the only person on the dance floor shaking my groove thang, while everybody else had some food and wondered where I'd stashed all the extra booze since no-one was as drunk as I was. No matter it was my party as they say. It was nice of my family to come and some friends. I was unbelivebly happy and could not stop grinning. Once I manage to weasel some pictures out of someone I'll put them up as apparently no one in my immediate family belives in bringing cameras to special occasions (or if they do there is no film in them). I also got a very snazzy DVD video camera which I have been shoving in peoples faces ever since. So at least there is some sort of historical record of our christmas celebrations. It was very very nice to be home for the hols as I got to see all my family and I got presents!!! All in all a good xmas or Winter Solstice should I say since when I celebrate it has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. My New Years was uneventful. I chose to have an anti-new years. I watched Kung Fu Hustle with my mum and my sister and it was about 12:04 when I noticed that 2006 had hit. I enjoyed that way more than when I go out and attempt to have 'fun', but just end up feeling poor, crowded, tired and wishing I was at home. News Years is never as much fun as its supposed to be.

As of the 27th December I am an Auntie. My step-brother's girlfriend had a baby girl. I am looking forward to neglecting my Aunties duties. I am well on the way as I have yet to see the baby. Although I have seen a few pictures, she's about 7 pounds and her name is Tia. At present she looks like every other newborn I've ever seen. She'll obviously gain some defining features as she grows but right now she is a tiny little flesh ball with hair, awwww how cute.

What I'm Listening To: Nothing its late and everywhere else people are trying to sleep.