Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Happy Winter Solstice and A Very Happy New Year to All!

Thus it is the new year and with it rain and cold weather and the beginnings of a miserable cold. Just another New Year for England then. Much festivities were had. My birthday being one which was BRILLIANT. I got nice and wasted at my not so much a surprise birthday party. Apparently there was one point where I was the only person on the dance floor shaking my groove thang, while everybody else had some food and wondered where I'd stashed all the extra booze since no-one was as drunk as I was. No matter it was my party as they say. It was nice of my family to come and some friends. I was unbelivebly happy and could not stop grinning. Once I manage to weasel some pictures out of someone I'll put them up as apparently no one in my immediate family belives in bringing cameras to special occasions (or if they do there is no film in them). I also got a very snazzy DVD video camera which I have been shoving in peoples faces ever since. So at least there is some sort of historical record of our christmas celebrations. It was very very nice to be home for the hols as I got to see all my family and I got presents!!! All in all a good xmas or Winter Solstice should I say since when I celebrate it has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. My New Years was uneventful. I chose to have an anti-new years. I watched Kung Fu Hustle with my mum and my sister and it was about 12:04 when I noticed that 2006 had hit. I enjoyed that way more than when I go out and attempt to have 'fun', but just end up feeling poor, crowded, tired and wishing I was at home. News Years is never as much fun as its supposed to be.

As of the 27th December I am an Auntie. My step-brother's girlfriend had a baby girl. I am looking forward to neglecting my Aunties duties. I am well on the way as I have yet to see the baby. Although I have seen a few pictures, she's about 7 pounds and her name is Tia. At present she looks like every other newborn I've ever seen. She'll obviously gain some defining features as she grows but right now she is a tiny little flesh ball with hair, awwww how cute.

What I'm Listening To: Nothing its late and everywhere else people are trying to sleep.


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