Monday, January 16, 2006


I hate essay's. I hate thinking about them, I hate writing them. Hate hate hate hate with added hate cream and hate cherries on top. Give me an exam any day. I used to stress about exams, I used to complain about them and go on about how much I hadn't revised. But you know what I've realised? Exams are much much better than essays. I think I'm pretty good at exams, I work pretty well under pressure. With exams you can get away with being vague and still get a good mark as long as you've touched on all the relevant points, you're fine. Plus exams only last a couple of hours max. But essays? I have spent weeks WEEKS deliberating over these stupid essay's and have yet to write a single coherent word. You know why? because I really don't want to do it. With exams even though you really don't want to do it, you kind of have to since your stuck in a room with paper and questions and there's pretty much nothing else you can do, plus everyone around you is scribbling away and you feel that you must also. So you do, lo and behold you've written something down. With essays now.You don't want to do it? You just don't, you make a sandwich you watch a film, you phone somebody anybody, you pretty much do anything but the essay because there's no one around telling you that you have to and there are sooo many other things around to distract you. Or maybe I just do that. Because I hate essays. RARRGH!! Hey if I fail will anybody give me a place to stay...maybe a job?..hello? helloooo.....

WHat I'm Listening To: Nothing becase I have to concentrate.RARRGH!!


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