Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cold Blooded

I have permanently cold hands and feet. I can't stand it. I have to keep the house really warm just to be comfortable. This really bugs my mother. Not to mention my housemates when I used to live with them. No matter what I do, it doesn't seem to help. I wear socks around the house (with my slippers) and they are still cold. I mentioned this to my sister the other day and she remarked quite matter of fact 'That's because you have lizard blood.' I wasn't quite sure how to respond to that really. I realise that this means I have pretty poor circulation. The best thing for it is regular exercise apparently. But before I can get there I'm going to have to find a cure for laziness, because I cannot bring myself to go to the gym. I worked at a gym for three years and still didn't exercise regularly.
I feel lucky because I can be lazy, dancing regularly for over a decade means that my body is still in reasonably good shape and I'm sure I can live off that for at least a couple more years before I really have to start looking at working out. Not having anything much to do during the day, also adds to my extreme laziness. However following some good advice, I've started getting up early and behaving as if I did have a place to go. Hopefully acting like I have a purpose may lead to me actually having one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, me too. My hands go white if I am outside for any length of time and stand still.

Exercise is def helpful - I run and my hands are much better since I've been doing that. But some days when I am typing on here I can't feel the keys at all!!!

And yes, sticking to a routine is good.

1:43 PM  
Blogger Karissa said...

I would love to run, but I live in a horrible area. Its alright in summer but right now since its bitterly cold, I wouldn't dare. I might take up dancing again.

7:07 PM  

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