Monday, December 10, 2007

A Fashion Show, a Carrier Pigeon and a Sick Computer

My computer caught my cold. I've been without this vital piece of technology for a whole week. I almost went mad. Unlike me however my computer had to be sent away to get better. The nice man from Dell dropped by and cured it. I don't how I've survived these past few days. It was strangest thing how it happened. My computer had been working fine for ages, then the other day I turned it on and it made this popping sound and then smoke started coming out the back of the monitor. My hard drive was fine, but I was terrified. I thought I'd set it on fire.
Also I think my neighbour keeps carrier pigeons. A giant bird was sitting on my garden fence the other day and it had something tied around its leg. Sometimes there will be a whole group of them just sitting on garden shed, around the same time everyday. I'm pretty sure that's not legal, its a small house he lives in a residential area. The place always smells funky too. Now I'm having visions that he's some sort of international spy who can only send messages by pigeon because the electronic ones will be intercepted. I think I've been watching too many James Bond movies. I'm letting my imagination run away with me.
I went to the clothes show today. I love exhibitions. You cannot imagine how many freebies I manage to gather. Plus the bargains, I managed to get a £105 jacket for £20. I wore that jacket around the house for at least half an hour after I got home. I love it so much. The nicest thing about it, is I got it for cheap. There's something about bargains that make the clothes much nicer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww poor computer - it was probably just being kind and trying to keep you warm! It forgot its role in life was not heating device.
Glad you are back - and yes, bargains are the best. I love my bargains!

12:39 PM  

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