Saturday, April 01, 2006

April Fools Ha Ha...

Happy April fools everybody. Today is the day the internet gets all fucked up for fun. You may have noticed many of your favourite sites are a bit off, and there may some extremely dodgy news stories popping up on the radio or even in some newspapers. Since I'm not sophisticated enough to have my own website or anything I have no jokes for anyone. Also since I had to work today I haven't played any pranks either. I love pranks, its funny laughing at the expense of someone else, thats a fundamental human trait right there. I have played a few in my time, my favourite was when I convinced my sister I had been sucked down the plughole in the bath. I basically spun around screaming and then lay flat. She got freaked and started crying, granted she was about five or six years old at the time. She still thinks I was a horrible meanie for doing it. But it was damned hilarious. So have fun, for today is the day we celebrate the ancient pastime of hoodwinking your friends and family for kicks. Hee...hoodwinking.
What I'm Listening To: The Thong Song by Sisqo (because it reminds me of the guy I had a crush on when I was fifteen and because that's what's playing on my TV).
P.S Just want to give a shout out to my sisters friends Roshele and Monique, who apparently wanted a mention on my blog.


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