Woo Hoo, No More Poo!
Today was errand day for me. I got up early...well I got up at 11am which is early for me. Considering I got out of bed at 3 in the afternoon yesterday. I bought my graduation ball ticket. I posted all of my bills (thats definetely something to be proud of, as my late fees can attest, I never pay my bills on time). I also bought cat and dog repellent named aptly 'GET OFF my garden'. So I went into the garden to splash the stuff around when I happened to glance at the directions. Turns out I had to clean up all the shit that was already there plus hose down the 'urinated areas', (the spots where the grass has turned brown). It was horrible I managed to clean up the dried stuff only to find a disgusting still steaming pile right under my window. After retching into the air for ten minutes I eventually got it done. I'm sharing this wonderful little tidbit because it was a really horrid experience. More horrid for me because:
A) It's not even my fucking cat.
B) Its not even my fucking garden. (I rent and I'm moving out in a month)
C) I hate gardening. I hate any kind of physical work whatsoever. I'm a prissy priss priss and I prefer to use my brain.
On the plus side I did do a little retail therapy and I bought 'The Sims 2' for my playstation. So I'm going to go play that and hopefully it will clear my mind of all memories of cat shit.
What I'm Listening To: Not a Lot.