Sunday, March 26, 2006

Conan and the Ridiculously Loud Soundtrack

How is it that I've seen Conan the Barbarian more than once, in fact I've seen it more than twice. Granted the first two times I saw it I was about 9 years old and yet I managed to sit through and actually enjoy it. How stupid of a kid was I anyway? Well I haven't seen it in a very long time and its on now. All I can say is what the fuck? Ah-nuld usually bugs me because he speaks like an Austrian robot, but I think the reason he maybe didn't bother me so much in this film is the fact that Conan hardly says anything. He just sort of glares in the direction of anyone thats speaking to him. Even if its a love scene evidently. I really haven't been concentrating on it because I've been doing my hair but all I keep hearing is pseudo-medieval music and pounding drums. Occasionally backed up with battle sounds or sounds of drunken reveling. It really is unbelievably awful and when any one does speak they do so veeerrryy slooowwllly. Or they shout. Like that King guy who talks normally, then starts yelling, then starts laughing maniacally. I'm finding the whole thing very hard to follow...Oooh shiny hair.

What I'm Listening To: Strains of flute i.e stupid Conan soundtrack

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 blows

Yeah I said it. Couldn't find a damn thing. Stupid search engine.


What I'm Listening To: Superman by Lazlo Bane (the Scrubs theme tune).

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Added Some Photos

I thought my flikr page was looking a little bare so I rummaged through the My Photos folder and found some Notting Hill Carnival pictures. I play in costume every year and I get drunk and have a great time. Its the one time of year when I can really let loose and have fun, I've been doing it since I was two, I don't know how I'd survive if I couldn't do it. In 2003 I went on holiday and came back the day before Notting Hill, I still went and wore costume even though I was dog tired, I just used booze to supplement my tiredness (I swear I don't really drink that much), its probably why I look so out of it in those pics.

What I'm Listening To: Run by Air

Tired, Wired, Hungry and Bored

What was up with blogger yesterday? I couldn't get on to add stuff. No matter I opened up a flikr account because I was bored, but at present the only photos I have on there are pictures of work do's. Since the people I work with are much better than me at taking photos of stuff. I'm so bad, I always forget my camera so no matter how momentous the event I'll never have a picture if someone else doesn't take them. Almost all the pictures I have stored on my computer are ones that I've begged other people for copies of. I even got a camera for my 21st and the most I've used that for is to take a picture of a random catoutside my window. I think those mobile phones that are designed to be digital cameras are perfect for me, at least then I'll always have a camera. Now that I think of it there has been many time when I've left my phone at home...oh well. Check out my pics and some of my colleagues if you want, they're vaguely interesting.
What I'm Listening To: Fresh Feeling by Eels

Friday, March 17, 2006

Those Were The Days...

I'm in a very nostalgic mood today. I was remembering my sixth form college years. This was prompted by the fact that I can't remember the name of the pub that I used to go to every Thursday back then. The pub that sold Orange and Mango Reef for a pound a bottle and my friends and I would always pool our money and buy a crate of the stuff to get drunk on. It tasted like crap, seriously, I can't even stand alcopops now, but then? I would just chug it down really fast just to get drunk as cheaply as possible. We had some good times then. Like that time that I was so drunk that I got us all thrown out of the pub and then I fell down a hill and couldn't remember why my nose hurt so much at work the next day. Or that time I got practically bitten to death by bugs on that hill by Harrow-on-the-hill station. Or that other time I did cartwheels outside Kebabland and almost lost a shoe...good times, good times. Speaking of Kebabland the guys that worked there would give you free chips if you showed the tiniest bit of cleavage, and I'm not above using my god given DD cups for free stuff. I mean why not? I don't mind being ogled as long as get something for it. Now I sound like a stripper. I guess I should turn in my feminism membership card.
I sort of miss those days a bit. I hardly see my friends from back then, its sad when everybody goes their seperate ways after school. I suppose thats why reunions are such good ideas, that way you could catch up with all the people you lost contact with. Although only for Sixth form not high school, I hated high school. I only still talk to one person from my high school days. I pretty much despised everyone in my class.
I'm really having trouble remembering the name of that pub...I think it began with P,or was it F and it was something industrial sounding... oh damnit.
What I'm Listening To: Have It All by Jeremy Kay

Monday, March 13, 2006

That's Just Frackin' Brilliant

I've developed quite the obsession with Battlestar Galactica recently. I only started watching it because Lost hasn't been on for a couple of weeks and I needed something to fill the void... and boy did it. Screw Lost, that show isn't even close to being as good as Battlestar Galactica. I cleaned off a mini series and two seasons in about a week. I'm currently re-watching them. I really need a break I'm having dreams about Cylons and spaceships. I think the thing I like most about it is the flawed nature of all the characters and the fact that they are so completly human. A trend that, I think, has become very common among TV shows these days. Your heroes are real people, they are flawed, they have histories and insecurities. I love me some insecure heroes. Must be why Mal is my favourite character on Firefly and Jack is my favourite on Lost. It's amusing however though that my favourite characters on Battlestar Galactica are robots. I think it may also say something about me that every episode I watched, I kinda wanted the Cylons to win. Although the season finale...What the hell?? I look forward to see what they do with that for season three.
I am a Cult TV junkie and damned proud of it.
What I'm Listening To: In My Own Words by Ne-Yo

Friday, March 03, 2006

Friday Night

You know those times when you're completely sober and everyone around you is drunk and stupid and can't seem to sort out which fucking cab they're getting into without falling over? Yeah? I fucking hate that.
What I'm Listening To: Nada