Conan and the Ridiculously Loud Soundtrack
How is it that I've seen Conan the Barbarian more than once, in fact I've seen it more than twice. Granted the first two times I saw it I was about 9 years old and yet I managed to sit through and actually enjoy it. How stupid of a kid was I anyway? Well I haven't seen it in a very long time and its on now. All I can say is what the fuck? Ah-nuld usually bugs me because he speaks like an Austrian robot, but I think the reason he maybe didn't bother me so much in this film is the fact that Conan hardly says anything. He just sort of glares in the direction of anyone thats speaking to him. Even if its a love scene evidently. I really haven't been concentrating on it because I've been doing my hair but all I keep hearing is pseudo-medieval music and pounding drums. Occasionally backed up with battle sounds or sounds of drunken reveling. It really is unbelievably awful and when any one does speak they do so veeerrryy slooowwllly. Or they shout. Like that King guy who talks normally, then starts yelling, then starts laughing maniacally. I'm finding the whole thing very hard to follow...Oooh shiny hair.
What I'm Listening To: Strains of flute i.e stupid Conan soundtrack
What I'm Listening To: Strains of flute i.e stupid Conan soundtrack