Happy Valentines Day?
Well, my Valentines day ended with me having to give a statement to the police.
Let me backtrack. As I am without a partner a few of the girls and I decided to go out for a bit of dinner and a drink at the local bar. As we were walking in a couple of guys were being shoved out for fighting. We had a look but didn't get the story, so ignoring that we proceeded to enjoy our evening. Ordering food and wine at the bar and settling down for an night of joviality. Where we chatted and ate. Several minutes into our evening a rather thuggish looking guy in a hoodie entered the bar. I saw him walk in and thought he looked familiar. But before I could properly form any real thoughts though he pulled out a foot long machete and slashed at the guy sitting only five feet away from us at the next table gruffing 'You think you're a big man now'. The poor victim put up his hand up to protect himself and the thug ran out of the bar. For what felt like forever, everything froze. Then we realised that this guy had just been stabbed. The asshole had slashed his ear and hand and the guy was bleeding everywhere. My poor friend had a panic attack and ran home, we were left in shock trying to gather our thoughts and bearings as people ran about the place in a frenzy. I gathered that the assailant had been one of the men we saw being thrown out earlier. Turns out, we heard from the girls sitting next to us, that the poor guy and his friends had been defending another man from some thugs who were trying to rob him. A fight broke out and the thugs were 'gently escorted' from the bar. One of the thugs obviously came back in for revenge. I had to spend an hour waiting to give a statement, during which I ill advisedly drank copius amounts of alcohol and ate everything in sight. I must say out of everyone I handled the situation pretty well.
So that was my Valentines evening; grevious bodily harm and indegestion. All in all an eventful and shocking night.